B2 Level

B2 Level

B2 Level

  • 25 Lessons
  • Interactive user-driven dialogue branching
  • Extensive grammar tutorials
  • Graphics, Games and Help Tutorials

A flexible, situation-based programme, ICU Middle Mastery teaches communication and basic grammar skills to intermediate learners from a variety of fields. Students can be from middle school to high school. The programme also caters to those in adult learning or on vocational programmes. Businesses looking to improve their employees’ proficiency with the English language can also benefit from the programme structure and interactive approach.

ICU Middle Mastery presents hundreds of scenarios in its 25 lessons, ranging from shopping to social situations and talking about school. In each conversation, students have the ability to choose the length, depth and outcome of every situation. This allows for an integrated experience as each scenario plays out. Each scene helps learners become more comfortable with their English while they practice the vocabulary, grammar, listening and pronunciation in each scenario at self-paced levels.

Completion of the ICU Intro package improves upon an intermediate foundation of understanding English with further communication and literacy development, and prepares students for more advanced instruction.